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19/03/2012 IT'S TOUR TIME: ATLANTA 18/03

Ieri ad Atlanta è iniziato ufficialmente il Wrecking Ball 2012 World Tour!!!

Inizio 20:10

1. We Take Care of Our Own
2. Wrecking Ball
3. Badlands
4. Death to My Hometown
5. My City of Ruins
6. E-Street Shuffle
7. Jack of All Trades
8. Seeds
9. Easy Money
10. Waitin' On a Sunny Day
11. The Promised Land
12. The Way You Do The Things You Do
13. 634-5789
14. Shackled & Drawn
15. Lonesome Day
16. The Rising
17. We Are Alive
18. Thunder Road

19. Rocky Ground
20. Land of Hope & Dreams
22. Dancing In the Dark
23. American Land
24. Tenth Ave Freeze Out

Fine 22:43

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Loose Ends - Milano 2013

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