Camilla Horne, she was born a long, long time ago.
She Came From Germany to the U.S.A.
and was acclaimed as the next Garbo.
They came to her on their knees, to bless them, caress them and tell them what they need.

But oh, oh, she did not know.
and so she took her place at the bar.
Just another fallen star.


Camilla Horn, era nata tanto, tanto tempo fa.
Arrivò negli U.S.A. dalla Germania
E venne acclamata come la nuova Garbo.
Andavano da lei in ginocchio, perchè li benedisse, accarezzasse, per farsi dire quello di cui avevano bisogno.

Ma oh, oh, lei non lo sapeva.
E così prese il suo posto al bar.
Solamente un'altra stella cadente.